The Do's and Don'ts of Wedding Thank You Cards

When your wedding is over and you've returned from your honeymoon, your duties as the bride aren't quite over yet. You know all those wonderful gifts that everyone gave you? Show your gratitude by sending out thank you cards. Today's blog from your favorite bridal boutique in South Florida offers some advice on do's and don'ts when it comes to those wedding thank yous. Wedding Thank You Card Do's Here are a few things you want to make sure you do when writing out your thank you cards. 1. Start writing the cards early. Depending on how many attendees you had at your wedding, and those that didn't attend, but sent gifts, you're likely going to have a lot of thank you notes to write. Start early, like as soon as you get back from your honeymoon, and don't try to get them all done in one day. 2. Make each thank you card personalized. While it may take extra time, it's important add at least one personal note about the gift someone ga...